HBR4HFX V2.0 , is another 4-banders with small size desktop transceiver and big power. A large display using a 3.2″ Color TFT LCD will indulge your eyes when you do QSO. Adjustable power out from QRP level up to 100W will take you to explore the world of HF to the fullest. This radio now has built in mic compressor, no need to speak loud infront the microphone.TCXO (temperature compensate Xtal Oscillator) used as source frequency for the digital synthesizer to provide minimal frequency drift cause of temperature.HBR4HFX V2.0 is here to answer your needs, large display, great power out with very low cost price, simple to operate and easy to maintain.Original Hambuilder products are made in Indonesia.
Frequency Coverage (programmable) :
* 80m (3.500.000 – 3.999.990)
* 40m (6.900.000 – 7.499.990)
* 30m (10.100.000 – 11.449.990)
* 20m (14.000.000 – 14.349.990)
* Tunning step : 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz, 100KHz (rotary dial push)
* Display : 3.2 Inch 320×240 pixel TFT
* Dimension : 90mm (height) x 220mm (wide) x 130mm (deep)
* Controller : ATMega128
* Main mixer : ADE-1 mixer
* IF Frequency : 8.000000 MHz
* Synthesizer : Si5351 with TCXO source clock
* Selectivity : 4 pole crystal ladder filter (3Khz nominal bandwidth)
* Power out : at 13.8V 100W at 80m, 90W at 40m, 60W at 30m, 30W at 20m
* Adjustable RX gain set with MMIC MSA series front end amplifier up to 0.1uV sensitivity
* Adjust TX gain set (adjust power out 0-100W)
* Adjust AF gain set
* Adjust Mic gain set with built in low noise mic compressor based on IC MAX9814
* Adjust IF Shift, RIT, XIT
* 2 x IRFP150 final transistor
* CW sharing filter with SSB
* Iambic keyer with programmable WPM/straight key (set 0 WPM) option setting
* PSU Voltage 13.8 V (12-13.8 V)
* RX current consumption : 380 – 385 mA (Vcc 13.8 V)
* TX current consumption : 80m 15 A, 40m 15 A, 30m 13A, 20m 10 A (Vcc 13.8 V)
*. 2 Watt, Speaker out
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Warm regards,
Hambuilder Team
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